From: Steve Goodhall []
Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2000 10:06 PM
Subject: Thread about top 20 by country
I verified that this can be done with a correlated subquery.  I built a test DB containing 2 tables, as follows:

County table (complete):  (I remembered "county" where you had "country" but the principle is the same)

CountyID      CountyName
100         County Name 100
123         County Name 123
333         County Name 333
345         County Name 345
444         County Name 444
678         County Name 678
985         County Name 985

Patient table (partial):

PatientID      PatientName
100000001      Patient Name 100000000
100000002      Patient Name 100000002
100000003      Patient Name 100000003
100000004      Patient Name 100000004
100000005      Patient Name 100000005
100000006      Patient Name 100000006
100000007      Patient Name 100000007
100000008      Patient Name 100000008
100000009      Patient Name 100000009
100000010      Patient Name 100000010
100000011      Patient Name 100000011
100000012      Patient Name 100000012
100000013      Patient Name 100000013

For starters, I found it a problem to have the CountyID embedded in the PatientID, so I built an intermediate query, qsPatientWithCounty , as follows:

 SELECT Left([Patient]![PatientID],3) AS CountyID, Patient.PatientID, Patient.PatientName FROM Patient; 

The (partial) output of this query is:

 CountyID      PatientID      PatientName
100             100000001      Patient Name 100000001
100            100000002      Patient Name 100000002
100            100000003      Patient Name 100000003
100            100000004      Patient Name 100000004
100            100000005      Patient Name 100000005
100            100000006      Patient Name 100000006
100            100000007      Patient Name 100000007
100            100000008      Patient Name 100000008
100            100000009      Patient Name 100000009
This makes the next steps easier:

To actually perform the selection you asked for, I built the following query, qsPatientTop5CountyT1, based on the query above. 

SELECT Patient.PatientID FROM Patient, County AS C
WHERE (((Patient.PatientID)
IN (SELECT TOP 5 qsPatientWithCounty.PatientID
FROM qsPatientWithCounty
WHERE (((qsPatientWithCounty.CountyID)=[C].[CountyID]))
ORDER BY qsPatientWithCounty.PatientID DESC)))
ORDER BY Patient.PatientID;

Obviously, with some extra work, these could be combined into a single statement.  To keep it small, I only selected the TOP 5 instead of the TOP 20.  You can mess with the ORDER by clauses to get what you actually need, and you can select additional columns in the outer SELECT clause.

The (partial) output of this query is:



Incidentally, even with the small set of test data, this query is notably slow.

I will post my test database to my web site within the next hour or so.


Steve Goodhall

Sooner or later, all this planning has to degenerate into work.  - Peter Drucker

Hi folks

 I have two tables..  'Countries' and 'Patients'.

CountryID    Description
320              Belgium
100              USA
170              Canada

PatientID  Name


320012       Patient 1
320278       Patient 2
100186       Patient 3
100429       Patient 4
100863       Patient 5
170009       Patient 6

The prime key for 'Countries' is CountryID
The prime key for 'Patients' is PatientID
The first 3 numbers of the PatientID is a CountryID
Is it possible with ONE query to have the top20 of patients FOR EACH countryID
Any help will be gladly appreciated.

Frank Jorissen
Leuven Coordinating Centre
Department of Cardiologie
Database Administrator
Herestraat 49
3000 Leuven